My name is Dennis and I am an aspiring polyglot and world traveler. Coming from a military household, I had lived in a number of different places at a young age before settling in California in 1989. After moving, I had not seen much extensive travel at all until my trip to Japan in late 2002. With that experience, I had realized my love for travel. Since then, I have tried my best to experience travel opportunities, whether it was through vacation days or work related travel.

I enjoy encountering and experiencing new things as well as sharing my customs and traditions with others. With that interest sparked my interest in learning different languages. As of this moment, in addition to my native tongue of English, I currently speak Japanese and French at high conversation levels, and am currently learning German. Learning how to communicate in different languages also improved my communication skills in general as in the past I had been very soft spoken and unassertive in conversations.
A recently life-changing experience gave me perspective in how short life can be in this very large world. I’ve realized that too much comfort and complacency can lead to an empty void. My past travels had been fun but I wanted to experience more. I wanted to get away from the typical cookie cutter tourist travel and immerse myself. And so in 2016 I embarked on a 10 week backpacking trip through Asia and Europe. While, this experience itself was life-changing and something I will never forget, I had realized that 2 1/2 months was not nearly enough to satiate my Wanderlust. I came home refreshed, but still empty and craving more life experiences.
Thus, the road to my new adventure began. I am leaving the comfort and stability of a great career with top-notch benefits, family, friends, and my steady life for an opportunity to lose myself spiritually, emotionally, and literally...and begin a search for new experiences both good and bad.