I'm inching closer and closer! In less than one month, I will be embarking on a new adventure that will certainly change my perspective on life forever. I must admit that it is quite a bittersweet feeling at this moment. In fact, I have actually been going through a huge deal of emotions from excitement of starting, to the sadness of leaving the ones I hold dear to my heart, to fear about what's to come not only during this trip, but after this trip. But, in feeling these emotions, I realize that the roller coaster of feelings we go through life are completely natural and that it is okay to feel them. Day after day, I am learning more to express my inner emotions, rather than keep them in the pit of my stomach. Some days are obviously better than others, but the fight goes on.

Gotta get all the proper vaccines!!
Because of the fact that my plans include several parts of South Asia as well as Africa, it was recommended that I get a few immunizations, not necessarily pertaining to something specific, but you could never be too careful. I was poked a number of times, including vaccines for Hepatitis, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, and a good old Flu shot among others. The soreness that followed in my arms far surpassed the soreness I had obtained doing Crossfit, and the final cost of the vaccines could have added up to be it's on trip as well, but better safe than sorry!

First stop, Singapore
My first stop will be Singapore. I chose Singapore, not so much because of any particular interest, nor because of the Crazy Rich Asians movie, but because of the incredible deal I got on a one-way ticket! It was by far the least expensive ticket to South East Asia that I found through United Airlines. Plus, it gives me a chance to start in an area with plenty of surrounding countries to follow. I'm pretty stoked about it!

My new 52-page passport is here! I am ready to go!

Now I can give the finger to people all over the world!